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MTM Service A/S takes social responsibility seriously!

Efforts to save the world

United Nations World Goals

At MTM Service we have dedicated ourselves extraordinary to the United Nations world goals. When we write extraordinarily dedicated, it’s not just something we write, we have the United Nations as a customer and therefore feel extraordinary dedicated. In our close cooperation with the UN, we have created shared values that set a clear direction for our CSR.

We work with all 17 world goals, and our existence has a relevance in all of them.

FN Verdensmål logo

We can help you with

At MTM Service, we offer the full facility service package - as well as you can screen your unique solution.

Illustration af en vinude som bliver poleret og rengørings artikler

Overall solution

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Illustration af en skraldespand og en kost


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Illustration af vinde som bliver poleret

Window cleaning

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Illustration af bygnign ved rengøringsspray og skjold

Facility management

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Billede af en medarbajder til kontaktside

No matter what service you buy from us, we have CSR at the forefront. We do not compromise on this and are a strong player in our local area.

Thomas Rune CEO, MTM Service

A commitment to membership

FNs Global Compact

In 2021, MTM Service was admitted as a member of the United Nations Global Compact network, which is an international network that commits itself daily to working with the UN’s world goals. The commitment concerns annual planning as well as reporting on action plans for continuous optimisation. At MTM Service we do not see this as a duty, but as a natural part of our everyday life, where we consistently seek optimizations on all fronts. That is why we see the Global Compact as a catalyst for getting all the way around, so that quality goes hand in hand with the environment and CSR.

About MTM Service

Ikon af kaldendar

Deal is a deal

We ensure a consistent vote of expectations, which forms the grounds for a successful cooperation.

En person med studenthue på

Trained personel

For us, it is essential that all our employees are continuously up-qualified and trained.

Fn verdensmål logo

United Nations World Goals

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, we are at the forefront of creating a better world.

Ikon af to mennekser ved en ur

Collective Agreement

We are proud to have entered into an agreement with 3F/DI for our employees.

Billede af en medarbajder til kontaktside

We only want to trade with suppliers who have a good conscience.

Theis S. Hansen CFO, MTM Service

A strong teamplayer

Local presence

We consider ourselves to be a very rude and active contributor to the local community. That is why we sponsor more talented athletes in their journey towards the world elite. Our commitment relates to three super talented locals who every day do their utmost to their goals. We see a great resemblance to our own everyday life. Furthermore, we sponsor Mærk Næstved’s prize for “Association of the Year”, which is awarded once a year. This prize has been specifically chosen because we know how important associative work and fire souls are for a well-functioning local community. It can also be mentioned that we are major sponsor of Næstved city’s sports flagship, Næstvet Ballklub, where our logo adorns the players’ back, so that the club and the city know that MTM Service always stands behind them.

Billede af vores logo på lokal sportshold

Pride runs in our veins

As a company, you have a high level of social responsibility

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, we demonstrate a clear responsibility as a company. Read right articles on how we as a company take responsibility.

3f overenkomst logo

Agreement with 3F/DI

MTM Service has entered into an agreement to contribute to a safe and prosperous labour market.

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Fjerning af støv på toppen af lampen

Business cleaning and pride in the work of MTM Service

Pride flows in our veins, which we create both physically and psychologically.

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Rengøring af en toilet og kvalitetskontrol på faucet


Education is the way forward. At MTM Service we take this part very seriously.

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Erhvervsrengøring af restuarant med kvalitetskontrol af anden medarbajder
Quality assurance

Quality at MTM Service

Quality is a cornerstone of MTM Service. Everything starts and ends here - with us the details must be in order

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Tablet med MTM app åben
Quality assurance

Quality assurance

Our unique quality assurance system is your guarantee of well done work.

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Erhvervsrengøring af to mtm medarbajdere som støvsuger og polerer store vinduer indefor

Overall solution

Let us handle all service tasks in your company so that you can focus on your core business.

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Get our
ESG rapport

Discover how we work for a more sustainable future with our latest ESG report. Our report gives you an insight into our commitment to the environment, social responsibility and good corporate governance. Click the button below to download the report and get insight into our initiatives, achievements and future goals.

Brochure til esg rapport

Propper conditions

Agreement with 3F/DI

MTM Service has entered into an agreement to contribute to a safe and prosperous labour market. We believe that this benefits both our employees, our customers and ultimately ourselves. Our employees must feel that it is worth going to work – in fact, we want them to be proud to go to work. Every single day they make a noticeable difference with our many customers, and that difference they must be recognized for. Therefore, their contractual relations are very crucial for this.

Our customers must also be confident in their choice of us as a supplier. We believe that this agreement will contribute to that. In the end, this helps to ensure a good quality of our work.

Illustration af sporgsmaal

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